Kalau sebelum ini, pelawak terkenal tanah air, Harith Iskander diumumkan sebagai individu paling lucu di dunia selepas berjaya menewaskan empat finalis lain dalam pertandingan Laugh Factory Funniest Person in the World (LFFPITW). Bayangkan beliau berjaya pulang hadiah utama berupa USD$100,000 (RM442,600), selain berpeluang mengadakan persembahan jelajah seluruh Amerika Syarikat secara berbayar. Memang hebat!
Terbaru, isterinya berjaya menamatkan PHD dalam jurusan Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering. Paling mengagumkan kejayaan itu merupakan antara paling cemerlang apabila dia satu satunya wanita yang mengambil jurusan ini. Kejayaan isteri Harith menarik perhatian netizen yang rata-rata berbangga dengan kejayaan diterima itu.
6 tahun PHd
When my wife began her PhD journey 6 years ago it was just her and me. These 3 munchkins were there to see her at her convocation. She explains their part in her life @Regrann from @drjezaminelim – My three PhD kids, my pillar of strength. If your goal is to further your studies go for it. They are the reason why I kept moving forward. I had no time to waste. My children were there to inspire me, they were and will forever be my coach. I want them to grow up with the knowledge that if you put your heart to it, you can achieve anything you want. Honestly, without them, I might not complete on time. Ice cream on mummy today! They are my motivation, never ever my excuse. #konvoukm2017 @iskanderkids
This is the most amazingly resilient woman I know. 6 years ago she embarked on a journey to complete a PhD in Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering. Along the way she had THREE beautiful kids, produced TWO international comedy festivals and lead ONE Malaysian comedian (thats me ?) to become Laugh Factory’s Funniest Person In The World. Today she became the first woman PhD holder in her tissue engineering field. I’m so proud of her – she is a shining example that you can achieve anything you put your mind to. @drjezaminelim youre my hero
Ramai kagum
Sumber : Harith Iskandar
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