Malam tadi telah berlangsungnya konsert Gegar Vaganza 2017 yang menampilkan seramai 12 orang peserta yang semuanya hebat-hebat belaka. Senarai peserta yang berentap ialah Aisyah, Hazami, Liza Hanim, Lan Kristal, Tia Jinbara, Elyana, Syura, Ferhad, Aqasha, Haida, Raja Azura dan Firman. Fuh meremang bulu roma admin dengar nyanyian dari Aisyah. Ds Vida pun nampaknya sampai menitiskan air mata dengar nyanyian Aqasha.
Selain daripada peserta, pengacara dan juri turut mendapat perhatian. Yang paling lucu, DS Vida dan Chef Wan sempat bergaduh-gaduh manja pula. Ramai yang mengecam tindakan DS Vida yang dikatakan agak keterlaluan menyerang Chef Wan, di instagram Chef Wan memberikan respon ini.
‘Saya anggap ds Vida bergurau’ – Chef Wan
Alamak i kena tembak lagi la…Hee hee baik apa pun i take what happened last night as gurauan senda DS Vida.Masa Hari Ulangtahun Majalah Wanita 40 tahun pun saya dah explain to her why and also appologised to her if she terasa hati but at the same time i stand by my word and principal.Let past be on the past and that kita sama2 belajar dari kesilapan masing2 baik saya mau pun DS Vida.I still like her gila2 personality and for just wanting to be herself pun.Bila i was offered last night to be one of the jury depa tanya saya tak pe ke?Takut Chef tak selesa ke as DS taja show itu.I said…” La saya tak ada anything against hasad dengki..berdendam etc in my heart pun or neither saya rasa guilty to say what i just said pun”Lets not dwell the thing of the past as we cant reverse them back pun.As manusia kita jangan simpan kemarahan mau pun berdendam berpanjangan malahan bermaafan..forgive and forget and look forward to the future.Deep inside my heart last night i dont think DS berdendam atau pun nak melepaskan geram dia.I am hopping tidak la.Sebab meeting her twice i still find her to be such a nice lady too except her personality is very strong, powerful and very determine.Dia nak …dia nak jugak!Adoi mcm ni kena start sebulan telan 5 botol Pamoga dahulu la sebelum masuk meminang.Jika tidak tercabut kepala lutut saya nanti DS!Pls do forgive her for her action last night.I didnt thing she was attacking me on purpose if its true pun saya sudah memaafkan dia.I just want a happy and honest life.Minus all this drama minggu ini.Its so important untuk menjauhi sifat2 yg dendam atau pun marah yg berpanjangan.Remember i am Mr Sunshine.I need to smile and put everything in the past but look forward to a better future by being a more understanding, compassionate and forgiving to others.Life is so beautiful.Enjoy it while u can by being happy selalu.Insyallah Allah will show all of us that light at the end of the tunnel.Sedikit lebih kurang sudah.Tak ada yg kita rugi pun memaaf kan orang lain.
Demi Allah i have nothing else against her
Morning.What a fun evening of pure entertainment and laughter last night at the 1st episode of the singing competition among some of our Malaysian established and top singers in the past that have made name for themselves in the entertainment world have come forward tonight to accept new challenges against them to bring back their glory days in this competition called” GegarVaganza” in its 4th year.Such powerful singers each and everyone with their own style, personalities, talent and thousands of fans out there.I felt very honored to be invited on the 1st night as one of their guest Jury to look into their powerful performances on stage, presentation serta menjiwai serta penghayatan lagu2 itu sendiri.DS Vida being the sponsor opening the show sudah pasti la buat opening mlm tadi with her funny song that have attracted millions of people across the world and off course today have made her a household name.To be honest i wished she had done more practice, loose abit of her weight and raised her energy level and performed lagi hebat on stage mlm tadi.She can do it i tell u except they need to train her on stage singing, body language and presentation on stage so that she captivate all her audiences with her X Factor on stage!Its a fun song.She might not have a so call singer voice yg superb but she just a popular and a person with great personality.I might not agreed in the past about her flaunting habit but honestly itu sahaja.Demi Allah i have nothing else against her.As i have said previously i stand on that principal and i am honest about it.She or anyone of u tak perlu setuju pun dgn pandangan saya as its just my honest opinion.But being who we are with our very own personality is very important and the public should not see that as a negative thing unless apa yg saya sudah perkatakan.Never judge the book by its cover!Liberace the piano player, Elton John, Michael Jackson semua ada gaya dan personality mereka tersendiri.What about the guy in that Korean Gannam style song yg menjadi kegilaan satu dunia yg juga menaikan nama negara Korea than followed by all this K pop singers.Each and everyone of us ada bakat dan ke istimewaan sendiri!
Baguslah kalau Chef Wan fikir macam tu, kami pun rasa Ds Vida tidak ambil hati pun dengan kenyataan Chef Wan sebelum ini. Lagi pun industri seni kita tak besar mana pun.
sumber : instagram Chef Wan
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